September 20, 2024

Asiwaju Media

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Ebonyi Commissioner Diverts N3 Billion Meant for Hawkers’ Empowerment

4 min read
Ebonyi Commissioner

The Ebonyi Commissioner for Commerce and Industry , Oguzo Offia Nwali, has been accused of corruption for allegedly diverting N3 billion meant for the empowerment of hawkers in the state.

Last week, Nwoba Chika Nwoba, a prominent member of the People’s Democratic Party (PDP), called for a thorough investigation into the matter.

He alleged that Ebonyi Commissioner , Mr Nwali misused funds that were intended for the empowerment of marginalized communities, including a young girl named Ngozi Aligwe from Ezza South LGA.

He claimed that Mr Nwali collected a significant portion of the funds meant for Ms Aligwe, leaving her with only a fraction of the intended amount.

“The girl should be invited to give an account of how this Oguzo Offia Nwali collected N1.9 million from her and left her only with N100,000. This singular case can give further details on how this thief and his accomplices messed up the whole empowerment process. Ngozi Aligwe is a young girl living with her family in Ezza South-South,” he said. 

He also claimed that the Ebonyi Commissioner has diverted funds earmarked for civil servants and withheld a substantial sum approved for distribution since October 2023.

He promised to invite the Economic and Financial Crime Commission (EFCC) into the alleged diversion when the state government fails to investigate the matter. 

“This thief is to date sitting on the N50 million approved to be shared to civil servants N200k each person as a non-profit grant by the Ebonyi State Government since October 2023 when UBA has been waiting to be told to start disbursement by this misfit.”

“This criminal has been using the money he made from the poor hawking children to facilitate works on his hotel building at number 8, Aguiyi Ironsi in Abakaliki. He has been boasting that come 2031, the current governor would hand over to him just as he’d be contesting for House of Representatives in 2027”

“If the Ebonyi State Government fails to initiate a probing process on him and others, it’ll mean that it’s a mutual crime venture and I will petition them to the EFCC”

Mr Nwali, on the other hand, has denied any wrongdoing and dismissed Mr Nwoba’s claims as baseless and politically motivated.

He emphasized the rigorous selection process and denied any involvement in coercion or manipulation of beneficiaries.

He also challenged the credibility of the accusations and refuted them point by point, asserting that the empowerment programme was conducted with transparency and integrity.

He questioned the timing of the allegations and accused Mr Nwoba of attempting to tarnish his reputation for political gain.

“He went further to allege that I looted the money and used it to buy Hilux and exotic cars and get myself security aides. When did I start using the said Hilux? When did the disbursement start? It is on record that the same NCN had alleged two years ago that I cannot go to my village without armed security men, where did the armed policemen come from then? did I just start using security personnel a few months ago? every security personnel that goes with me today has always been there from years back,” he stated. 

Mr Nwali also defended his use of security personnel, stating that they have been with him for years and were not hired as a result of the alleged corruption.

“He went further to allege that I looted the money and used it to buy Hilux and exotic cars and get myself security aides. When did I start using the said Hilux? When did the disbursement start? It is on record that the same NCN had alleged two years ago that I cannot go to my village without armed security men, where did the armed policemen come from then? did I just start using security personnel a few months ago? every security personnel that goes with me today has always been there from years back.”

“This empirical evidence buttresses the fact that he is a man who speaks from both sides of his mouth depending on which table there is food for him to eat as a man who is controlled by his stomach. This alone is enough for you to know that a slanderer was actually at work in perpetuating this act of monstrous conspiracy against my person.”

“According to him, I diverted 500m out of 1bn and there is no other place that this complaint is going on except that his Anambra State? 500m, Maybe he thinks he is retiring his anyi ga eme ya failed project,” he added. 

The accusations against Mr Nwali have ignited widespread public outcry and calls for accountability.

Many citizens have expressed their disappointment and frustration with the situation, and are calling for a thorough investigation into the matter.

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