September 20, 2024

Asiwaju Media

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Agaramugede II of Okpuitumo Ikwo Pledges Development and Representation

2 min read
Okpuitumo Ikwo

In a landmark stakeholders meeting held a day after his long-awaited coronation, HRH Ezekiel Oyika, Agaramugede II of Okpuitumo Ikwo, made ambitious promises aimed at driving development and advocating for increased government representation for the people of Okpuitumo.

In a gathering attended by community leaders, elders, and residents, the newly-crowned monarch articulated his vision for a progressive future for the region.


Among his key pledges was a commitment to champion the cause of increased representation of Okpuitumo indigenes within government ranks. HRH Ezekiel Oyika emphasized the importance of having the community’s voice heard at higher echelons of governance, vowing to advocate strongly for the appointment of Okpuitumo natives into governmental positions.

An unconventional proposal put forth by HRH Ezekiel Oyika involved encouraging all residents to contribute to the community’s growth by building their own homes within Okpuitumo Ikwo. He stressed the importance of locals investing in their homeland, believing that such initiatives would contribute significantly to the area’s development.

“Let us build our own mansions here, in Okpuitumo Ikwo. Let us bring development home. When each one of us invests in our community, we collectively elevate its status,” He noted.


The stakeholders’ meeting witnessed a surge of enthusiasm among attendees, with many expressing optimism about the monarch’s vision and pledging their support for the proposed initiatives.

HRH Ezekiel Oyika’s coronation and subsequent promises have sparked hope and excitement among the residents of Okpuitumo Ikwo. As the community embarks on a new chapter under his reign, expectations for positive change and advancement run high.

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